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Members of SNO may apply for permission to distribute an electronic survey to the membership of the Society

SNO Member Survey Policy

  • Members of SNO may apply for permission to distribute an electronic survey to the membership of the Society.
  • Surveys must be relevant to SNO’s mission and contribute to the overall educational content of the SNO annual meeting.  
  • Applications will be reviewed by the scientific planning chairs of that year's SNO annual meeting.  
  • Members should note that the scientific planning chairs will approve no more than three surveys in each calendar year. 
  • Approval for distribution should not be construed as equivalent to endorsement or sponsorship of the survey by SNO. No statements implying endorsement or sponsorship of SNO should be included in the summary or publication of survey results.

Application Process

  • The application must contain the final version of the survey questions.
  • The application must be submitted by a SNO member in good standing.
  • Unless specifically discussed with the scientific planning chairs and the SNO administrative office, SNO staff will not create the survey instrument.
  • SNO will not provide any analysis of the data.
  • Approved surveys will be sent one time only to SNO’s e-mail list.  SNO will not provide email addresses to the applicant.
  • Survey applicant must: a) demonstrate how the survey is relevant to a specific educational session of that year’s Annual Meeting (e.g., Education Day program, approved sunrise session, approved mini symposia, etc.);  b) affirm that if requested by the scientific planning chairs, the applicant will submit the results of the survey in the form of an abstract via the SNO abstract submission portal.

Application Timelines 

  • Applications must be submitted by March 1st in any given year to be considered for that year’s annual meeting.
  • Applicants will be notified by April 1st if their survey has been approved.
  • The scientific chairs, at their sole discretion, will determine the date that an approved survey will be distributed.      

To download the survey application, click here.

Return completed application to Caroline Noor,