SNO recognizes that some rapidly advancing investigations may include results that will not be available at the time of the abstract submission deadline of May 29, 2024. For this reason, SNO will allow authors to submit their late phase clinical trial late breaking research for consideration for the 2024 SNO Annual Meeting.

Late Breaking submissions must adhere to guidelines below and a “placeholder abstract” must be submitted by the initial May 29 deadline. Place holder late breaking abstracts not submitted by the May 29 deadline, will not be allowed to submit a late breaking abstract at a later date. Abstracts that are not late phase clinical trials following interim or final analysis may not be submitted as Late Breaking abstracts and may be rejected.

Please note that only a limited number of abstracts from the Late Breaking category will be selected for presentation at the meeting in Houston, Texas. Authors should note the following important information before submitting a Late Breaking Abstract:
  • Late breaking abstracts must be a late phase clinical trial following interim or final analysis and submitted in one of the two categories, Clinical Trials: Immunologic or Clinical Trials: Non-Immunologic. Abstracts submitted as Late Breaking in any other categories will be rejected.
  • Abstracts accepted for Late Breaking presentation will not be included in the regular abstract supplement to Neuro-Oncology and will be published electronically on the day of presentation.
  • Late breaking abstracts will not be considered for awards.
  • The Scientific Planning Committee determines the final presentation format of the abstract submission.
Please note: This category is not intended to offer a second deadline for regular abstract submissions.

For an abstract to be considered for Late Breaking Abstract Status, the submitting author must:
  • Select the Clinical Trials Special Interest Track in the abstract submission site.
  • Select the Clinical Trials: Immunologic or Clinical Trials: Non-Immunologic category.
  • Submit a late phase clinical trial abstract including objectives and methods but excluding the results and conclusions of the research by the submission deadline of Wednesday, May 29, 2024. Include any information that supports the potential for late breaking impact and the date of planned analysis for the abstract.
  • Submit a final late breaking abstract (with updated data) by Tuesday, September 3, 2024, 5:00 PM ET. If an updated abstract is not submitted by the final September 3 deadline, the abstract will be automatically rejected.